Bridie Knight Child Care

Our Philosophy

Is to provide high quality care on an educational basis and to promote and develop independence, development and active learning for each individual in a warm, safe, caring, and stimulating environment.


Thanks are due to all the parents over the years who have given so much love and affection to so many children. This is what community child care is all about

We thank you all.

Bride Knight Child Care is managed by The Numurkah Community Learning Centre, offering an Occasional Care program for children aged from birth to school age in a mixed aged group and After Kinder Care.

Occasional Care: Monday Thursday and Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm

After Kinder Care: Tuesday and Wednesday 2:45pm to 5:45pm

Bridie Knight Child Care – 58621569 or Numurkah Community Learning Centre 586222249

Our Enrolment and Administration system is called Fully Booked.  Make an account in the fullybooked family site (copy the link below) and then when you’re ready call us to make a booking. We look forward to meeting you and your child as we start their journey with us.